Naming Thando Adam Mati

It’s been over a year since my last post (blush!) and to say a lot has changed in our lives would be an understatement! We got pregnant about 11 months ago, a VERY short time after deciding to start trying. After the initial shock wore off (it took a little while) the excitement set in. We found out at our 13 week scan that it was a little boy and almost immediately the name search was on! 

The first big decision was whether he would have a Xhosa or English first name. As you can see, we ended up going with a Xhosa name, partly because it meant a lot to my husband that we did and I also wanted to make sure that he had a strong sense of his Xhosa culture as he would be growing up in a predominantly English environment. Then the hard part came – what to name him!

Every Xhosa suggestion I came up with was met with “it’s too old fashioned” (how was I to know!) or just an outright no! Some of my hubby’s suggestions were also shot down; I mean as great as the name is who calls their kid Nathi Mati!! We even struggled on the English name – I thought for sure that we’d have some common favorites when I brought home a list of 1500 names, but no, not one…but when Sangs suggested names like Deepak I should have know we wouldn’t get far!

In the end we decided on Thando, which means “love” and Adam, which means “from the earth or created by God.” Thando was born on 2 March and has been an absolute blessing to us.

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Now that I have all this time on my hands being a new mom on maternity leave (LOL!) I’m going to try to post a little more frequently so expect more on little Thando soon 😄

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